Thursday, May 14, 2009


It's a rainy evening in Western Massachusetts and I'm sitting here wondering: who are all of you wonderful people? How many of you are artists? Writers? How old are most of you or are you an amazing range of ages, disciplines and genders? I'd love it if you went to my right hand side bar and took two seconds to fill out my wee poll. There are only three questions: What do you do, how old are you, and what is your gender? Just click the right answer or answers and voilá, you will be finished in but a moment's time! I'd really appreciate your participation as it will help me better serve the artists who come to this site. The poll will close at the end of May so please take a second to fill it out. Thanks!


Denise Driscoll said...

Hi Mira
So cool to see the poll results immediately after voting. We met at Transcultural Exchange, and I am now following your blog with great interest.Thank you for all of the work that you do on our behalf. What a huge gift to be giving.

mirabee said...

I totally remember you Denise! I still have your lovely catalog. Thanks for following my blog. Good luck with your work and keep in touch. Best wishes, mirabee

Demetrius Spaneas said...

I am new to your subscription list; I was pointed to it from the Artist Foundation.
I want you to know that I think that you are providing a fantastic service. I not only make my carrer as a fulltime composer/musician, but I also help colleagues (professionally) to produce their own projects internationally. You have provided a wonderful resource to artists of all disciplines, and I thank you.
Best wishes,
Demetrius Spaneas

Mira said...

Thanks Demetrius! I appreciate your support.
Best Wishes, Mira

Welcome to Mira's List

This blog provides information on upcoming grants, fellowships and residencies for artists, writers, composers, and media artists. It is for serious professionals only, from emerging to mid-career to established. I also publish information for graduate students from time to time. However, I do not publish information on exhibition or publishing opportunities, nor do I advertise artist retreats and workshops that charge money. At least that is my current policy. For more info on where to exhibit or publish, please see my links section which I try to periodically update. I sift through hundreds of search engines and websites to find opportunities for YOU dear artist. In return, I ask you to pass the information along to those who need it. Also, since this is a free blog, I don't always have the time to weed carefully through everything. If you find a grant or website or residency that is not up-to-date, is dodgy in some way, or is no longer in existence, please let me know! Also, if you stay somewhere at one of the residencies I suggest and have a good experience, I want that feedback too. Please check my FAQs at the top right side bar if you have questions before starting your search. Best wishes and happy hunting!