Saturday, May 30, 2009


It's late and I'm off to bed but I had a couple random thoughts....first, I wanted to remind you all that there is only one more day left to fill out my fun two second poll on the right hand sidebar. More polls to come, by the way... I also wanted to thank a couple people who recently sent donations. One artist sent donations twice in the last couple months! Thank you Amy! Every little bit counts, even those five to fifteen dollar donations. Another loyal fan sent me an incredible photograph (thank you Simen.) And I especially want to express my gratitude to artist, curator and blogger Catherine Tedford (AKA Sticker Kitty) who bleeps me announcements all the time and who tells everyone in the world about my blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're the best! And speaking of announcements, you should be aware that a lot of residencies have September 15th deadlines. I will post more of them soon, but don't forget to check out the links on the lower right for residencies (,,, etc.). They have hundreds of residencies just waiting to be discovered by you. And if you prefer browsing through a book that gives excellent descriptions of residencies all over the world, go to the lower right sidebar and click on the blue book: Artists Communities: A Directory of Residencies that Offer Time and Space for Creativity (the second book listed). Most if not all of the places inside the book are still active residencies. Sometimes it's nice to do research the old fashioned way, you know? Buy the book from me and I get a wee percentage! Have a great weekend...more wonderous things to come....Mira


Welcome to Mira's List

This blog provides information on upcoming grants, fellowships and residencies for artists, writers, composers, and media artists. It is for serious professionals only, from emerging to mid-career to established. I also publish information for graduate students from time to time. However, I do not publish information on exhibition or publishing opportunities, nor do I advertise artist retreats and workshops that charge money. At least that is my current policy. For more info on where to exhibit or publish, please see my links section which I try to periodically update. I sift through hundreds of search engines and websites to find opportunities for YOU dear artist. In return, I ask you to pass the information along to those who need it. Also, since this is a free blog, I don't always have the time to weed carefully through everything. If you find a grant or website or residency that is not up-to-date, is dodgy in some way, or is no longer in existence, please let me know! Also, if you stay somewhere at one of the residencies I suggest and have a good experience, I want that feedback too. Please check my FAQs at the top right side bar if you have questions before starting your search. Best wishes and happy hunting!